Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Two Years, At Least 78 More To Go.

what i'm listening to right now: smile in your face by Prefuse 73

Today is Amanda and I's (mine's?) anniversary. Two years ago today I was stealing her away from her boyfriend and becoming without hyperbole, the happiest man in the world. Okay, maybe that's hyperbole, I'm not sure how one would measure that. And I haven't met the Dalai Lama. Yeah, he looks like he's a pretty happy guy, maybe I'm number two, maybe number eleven. But at least in the top fifteen. I'm completely in love, and I hope to be married soon. At least engaged by the end of the year. We're going down to Holden Beach this weekend. We're gonna go have some fancy food, some fresh fried fish, some pancakes, and we're gonna watch the moon float above the sea.

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